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IT Equipment Disposal and Clearance
IT Equipment Disposal and Clearance

IT Equipment Disposal and Clearance

IT and computers have been revolutionary, affecting our lives in different ways. They have played a significant role in simplifying and improving tasks but have a downside. These devices contain personal data that exposes us to harm if in the wrong hands.

An important way to protect yourself is ensuring your professional and personal hard drives and IT gets properly disposed of when you no longer need them. If you need safe disposal of your IT assets and hard drives, London Rubbish Clearance is here for you.

We guarantee our clients eco-friendly, safe and easy options for disposing of different items.

Disposing and destroying hard drives 

Our staff have experience in hard drives, secure data destructions and IT asset disposal. Our data destruction services meet the highest standards, ensuring that you comply fully with regulations while permanently and properly destroying your private information.

We document the hard drive destruction process with certificates and reports guaranteeing transparent services.

We aim to protect our client’s privacy and the environment. This means we opt for reuse where possible. We wipe all hard drives of all information, whether they are working or not. After wiping the hard drives, we send the reusable ones away, then deconstruct the broken or old ones into separate parts or to use in making new products.

Disposing IT assets

Requesting our IT disposal services prevents thefts of your IT equipment, including the data it holds. Our service guarantees destruction of information using different methods like degaussing hard drives, disk-wiping and physical IT hardware destruction.

We properly dispose of the following IT assets.

  • Smartphones
  • Printers
  • Tablets
  • Computers
  • Laptops

Why choose us for your IT and hard drive disposal?

We prioritise privacy and safety needs for both businesses and individuals. We are also committed to carrying out ethical and eco-friendly disposals. Our services are trustworthy and reliable. This gives you peace that your professional or personal hard drive and IT assets will get disposed of properly.

We offer offsite and onsite paper shredding services and are happy to work with your schedule for convenient IT equipment disposal and clearance.

Contact London Rubbish Clearance on 020 37450854 to book our exceptional services.

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