Processing of natural wood and wood applications leaves behind a type of waste called wood waste. For instance, when trees are harvested for wood or when pruning the garden trees, the undesired leftovers like the stumps, branches, and leaves constitute a wood waste.
But there are other sources of wood waste, especially from the cities where a lot of construction and demolition works involving wood are going on. Not only that, furniture making, paper and pulp processing, and mills where plywood and particle boards are made also contribute a fair share of wood waste.
Before we go on, it is important to note that wood waste are of 4 different types.
The waste from wood also contributes to household or office garbage, and this is where collecting bins come in handy. They are containers shaped and sized differently where rubbish is dumped.
Collecting containers for waste are of different types:
There are government regulations that guide wood waste disposal. A good example is the Waste Legislation and Environmental Protection Act in the UK. This law stipulates that all waste collected by companies be documented to make sure it is responsibly dumped. There is the Hazardous Waste Directive that warns against the combination of toxic waste with non-toxic waste. Still on government regulations is this law called the Duty of Care legislation that demands all who manufacture, retain, import, treat, or clear away regulated waste pay a special levy known as Duty Care. The UK government has a regulation that requires a Waste Transfer Note to follow every batch of toxic wood waste moved from one location to another. Legal documents carrying signatures of whoever is transferring the waste and the person collecting it make up the Note.
One may wonder how wood waste is handled after collection. Different types of waste especially recyclable wood waste, can be recycled by our team. There are useful by-products of recycled wood waste like wood chips which can be applied in landscaping or gardening. Wood waste can also be turned into compost by companies and utilised in biomass fuel production. Other applications of recyclable wood waste include raw materials to manufacture tools for demolition, wood for fencing, and plywoods.
One of the top wastes in the UK is wood waste. This is because the country uses 3% of the wood from all over the world. Before now, dumpsites held a large amount of wood waste regardless of the recycling property of the material. Presently, companies are starting to remove their wood waste responsibly and recycle them as much as it can.
For more information, you can speak with any member of our team at London Rubbish Clearance. And if you have wood waste, you can also call us on 020 37450854 to clear them away appropriately.